Lisa Roper Outdoors Season 1
Watch Lisa Roper Outdoors on the World Fishing Network and Sportsman Channel Canada

Podcast Features
That's right! Lisa is also featured in podcasts!
Podcast: Canadian University Shooting Federation.
Ladies take over! Down the Barrel Episode 16
Episode 156: Learning the Ropes with Lisa Roper
Women in Pursuit with Sali Cunningham, Chris Everett, Lisa Roper and Jen Shears
Episode 25, 36,37, 53, 61 and 76
Episode 2: Lisa Roper, Outdoor Enthusiast
Episode 31: Getting Started in Archery
Episode 285, 286, 287
Episode 25, 36,37, 53, 61 and 76
Lisa Roper on Outdoors in Alberta
I would love to be your guest!
Articles, Magazines, Interviews and More Features!
Lisa’s articles and interviews have been featured in magazines and websites such as Alberta Conservation Association, Tourism Saskatchewan, North American Outdoorsman, Alberta's Lakeland, Alberta Angler's Atlas, Travel Alberta and more!
Articles & Magazines
TV show host Lisa Roper helps promote the Lakeland
When the Walls Come Down
The Window Separating Our Worlds
Just Go Through It
CLICK HERE for All the Articles
Why Do We Fish?
—Guest post: Lisa Roper
On the Trail of Alberta Boy: A Journey from Disappointment to Determination
Featured Angler: Lisa Roper | Ladies of Angling
Techniques for Targeting Walleye WITH Spoons – Len Thompson
Restocking Alberta’s lakes with walleye could promote economy, says province
The World Goes Quiet: Ice Fishing for Pike on Tobin Lake
Experiencing The Journey – Confronting The Challenge
Love of Fishing
Magazine Covers
Featured on the front cover
Featured on the front cover
2023 Product Guide | Featuring a release on Lac La Biche Lake
Featured on the front cover and introduced on page 15.
2021 Alberta Guide to Sportsfishing Regulations
Interviews and Youtube
Interview on all things ice fishing – 8.7k views over 14,000 reached
Lisa’s First Laker with Underwater Footage with Mat Weavers
Fishing in Five with Lisa Roper and Wes David
Lac La Biche a long journey back from a collapsed fishery – 19.2K views
Viral Videos
@lisaroperoutdoors These are the moments I live for. This is why I do what I do! I mean look at his pure happiness. Congrats Brad on landing your PB! #icefishing #femaleangler ##videooftheday #trophywalleye #bigfish #fishinglife #alwaysfishing #makingmemories #chasingdreams #walleyefishing #walleye #walleyeweekend ♬ original sound - Lisa Roper Outdoors
Over 700,000 views on multiple platforms
@lisaroperoutdoors If you have a dream - chase it. Work hard, stay focused, and do what it takes to achieve it. #icefishing #fishing #icefishingnation #icefishinglife #fish #fishinglife #hardwater #catchandrelease #northernpike #fishingaddict #hardwaterfishing #hooks #anglers #gonefishing #conservation #bigfish #pike #letthebigonesgo #pikefishing @Sportsman Channel Canada @Sportsman Channel ♬ 'Til You Can't - Cody Johnson
Over 700,000 views on multiple platforms
@lisaroperoutdoors Wait for it… wait for it… This video is actually about 10 minutes of bringing in this beauty. I didn’t have the best hook set and so it was slow and careful moving. #ice#icefishingnatione#icefishingu#tourismalbertaa#travelalbertas#fishalbertav#livetofishwaysfishing @Cabelas @bassproshops @Lew's Fishing ♬ original sound - Lisa Roper Outdoors
Over 700,000 views on multiple platforms
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